Solving Construction Challenges with Technology
With construction backlogs rapidly increasing and labor forces shrinking, the chasm between supply and demand is growing. We recognize the construction industry's challenges and are developing real-world solutions to overcome them. When traditional labor needs help, technology has become the solution.

Overwhelming Backlog
Augment existing crews by using technology to fill in labor gaps due to worker shortages; increasing output and providing scalable capacity to perform more projects.

Enhanced Productivity

Injury Risk
Relieve workers from injury-prone tasks and extend their career longevity. Jobsite robots assist with work items that frequently cause repetitive stress and other common lost-time injuries, minimizing safety incidents.

Increased Safety

Project Delays
Minimize delays, liquidated damages and site operating costs. Jobsite robotics are designed to work day or night, rain or shine, facilitating project critical path acceleration.

Reduced Schedule Risk

Rework Requests
Improve consistency with predictable production rates and real-time feedback on accuracy. Construction technology provides reliable and steady output, minimizing overtime volatility.

Improved Consistency
Robotic Rebar Installation Solutions
Cut schedules in half with the powerful combination of TyBOT and IronBOT
The Path to a Modern Workforce
Unleashing the full potential of robotics in construction.